由中国复旦大学经济学院(SOE)和加拿大亚太基金会(APF Canada)共同主办的2019复旦论坛:挑战、合作和延续于8月15日下午在温哥华西蒙菲莎大学校区的对话交流中心举行(SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue)。 论坛由复旦大学温哥华校友会副会长赵群主持,复旦大学经济学院加拿大(温哥华)联络处主任袁永平,西蒙菲莎大学对外关系副校长乔安娜·库里(Dr. Joanne Curry),以及中华人民共和国驻温哥华总领事佟晓玲分别致开幕欢迎辞;复旦大学经济学院院长张军教授,以及加拿大联邦独立参议员小组召集人胡元豹参议员发表精彩的主旨演讲,这部分由西蒙菲莎大学Beedie商学院研究和国际事务副院长卡罗琳·埃格里(Dr. Carolyn Egri)主持。 之后,中外学者、企业家进行了圆桌讨论以及嘉宾问答。在目前中美贸易战特殊时期,参会报名非常踊跃,全场座无虚席,而且增加了临时座位,近两百位嘉宾参会,演讲精彩、讨论激烈、问答踊跃。
*KPMG International’s Trademarks are the sole property of KPMG International and their use here does not imply auditing by or endorsement of KPMG International or any of its member firms.
Time: 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm, Thursday, August 15th, 2019 Venue: SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, 580 W Hastings St, Vancouver, BC
“Sold Out!” Online registration is closed.
Event Description
On August 15th, 2019, the School of Economics (SOE) at Fudan University (FDU) and Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APF Canada) will co-organize the second annual Canada-China forum following the successful inauguration in 2018. This year’s forum will focus on how Canadian and Chinese companies can work together and continue business under current trade disputes. The forum will feature keynote speeches by Professor Jun Zhang, Dean of SOE of Fudan U., and The Hon. Senator Yuen Pau Woo, Facilitator of the Independent Senators Group of the Parliament of Canada, followed by a panel discussion with business leaders and experts from both China and Canada. The forum will provide a unique platform to discuss challenges, collaboration, and continuity under the ongoing trade disputes.
The Forum will be co-hosted by Fudan University Alumni Association of Vancouver and Alumni Representative Office in Vancouver, SOE, Fudan U., and supported by Simon Fraser University and UIBE Alumni Association of Canada.
We expect 120 – 150 attendees, including business leaders, experts, professional practitioners, and alumni and friends of Fudan University.
Event Program 12:30 PM Registration
1:00 PM Forum Opens (Moderator: Iris Zhao, Vice President, Fudan University Alumni Association of Vancouver)
1:05 -1:20 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Yuan Yongping, Director, Alumni Representative Office in Vancouver, School of Economics at Fudan University
Dr. Joanne Curry, Simon Fraser University’s Vice President, External Relations
Madame Tong Xiaoling, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Vancouver
1:20-2:50 PM
Keynote Speeches
Moderator Carolyn Egri, Associate Dean, Research and International, SFU Beedie School of Business
Prof. Jun Zhang, Dean of the School of Economics
(SOE) at Fudan University: Reshaping
China’s Growth Strategy in the Aftermath of US-China Trade War
The Hon. Senator Yuen Pau Woo, Facilitator of
the Independent Senators Group of the Parliament of Canada: Rethinking
Canada-China Relations in the Changing Global Context
2:50-3:20 PM Coffee Break
3:20-4:50 PM Panel Discussion
Moderator Bruce Wiesner, Associate
Dean, Executive Education, UBC Sauder School of Business
Wade Larson, Founder and Executive Vice-President, Business Development, URTHECAST CORP
Dr. Jeff Reeves, Vice-President of Research for the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Dr. Andreas Truckenbrodt, Chairman of the Board, Loop Energy, and former President and CEO of the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association
*KPMG International’s Trademarks are the sole property of KPMG International and their use here does not imply auditing by or endorsement of KPMG International or any of its member firms.